Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Revenue and Mitigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Revenue and Mitigation - Essay Example Apparently, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with donations to the police and they must be weighed effectively, in order to determine the best possible option for effective community policing. One of the principal advantages is that donations can provide the extra revenue needed to fight crime. Further, the sponsorship drives can be used as platforms to enhance community awareness about the crime prevention projects and initiatives that the police are undertaking. Donations can also provide law enforcers with additional opportunities to interrelate with members of the public at social events. Disadvantageous implications of donations to the police include the donors thinking that they would get preferential treatment in case they break the law. In worst case scenarios, donation could distort priorities of the police, since they might feel obliged to serve donors first (Hess and Orthmann 492-493). Nonetheless, the pros of donations outweigh the cons, and the latter can be overcome with proper regulations in place. It would be possible to capitalize on the public’s good will, while upholding transparency of donations or sponsorship. For this reason, the police department is inviting community groups, councils and businesses to invest in its projects and initiatives, so as to establish a safer environment for all. The department guarantees that financial assistance received will aid in building and strengthening links with all stakeholders to facilitate crime reporting and prevention. Further, sponsorship will clearly align with the police force’s objectives of supporting cost effective measures to reduce crime. The force will uphold absolute integrity in all its dealings, in a setting of heightened accountability and scrutiny from the public. Members of any community have a significant role to play in prevention or coping with events that pose danger to their welfare or that of people close to them. Majority of hazard management

Monday, October 28, 2019

My Family and the Conservative Theory Essay Example for Free

My Family and the Conservative Theory Essay I believe that my family is a great example of the conservative theory. I was raised by both of my parents who have been married for over thirty years. There was myself and my two sisters that also comprised our household. We lived in Saudi Arabia growing up and are followers of Islam. My father, Mahdi was a geography teacher on the college level, from which he has since retired. My mother taught middle school science. My older sister has been married for over five years and has one three year old child. I am currently attending college and studying finance and my younger sister is attending college and studying accounting. Being part of the Muslim community is part of the conservative nature of my family. We choose to try and live our lives according to the five pillars of Islam. These are the beliefs that the religion was founded upon. The first pillar of Islam is that Allah is complete and supreme oneness and that Muhammad was the great prophet. This one pillar is the foundation for the way that my family chooses to live our lives. We choose to participate in a culture where we are governed by Allah a will to do what is good and morally just. The second pillar of Islam is the establishment of daily prayers. Daily prayers are very important in our culture. They are the communication that we have with Allah and the way that we are guided in how we are going to make decisions. As a follower of Islam we pray five times per day. The third pillar of Islam is concern for the needing. This includes being willing to sacrifice to help others who are less fortunate than we are. It is important in my culture to give to those who are needy and to help them as much as we possibly can. Islam teaches not being selfish and wanting worldly possessions but rather being selfless and always giving of oneself to others. This means that it has never been important to me or my family as to whether or not we are wearing a certain brand of clothing or whether or not we have certain processions. It is not important for us to try to keep up with mainstream society in an attempt to fit in as we believe that our riches are destined for another time and another place. We value saving and are conservative in our spending and shopping habits. The fourth pillar of Islam is self purification through fasting. Fasting is a big part of our beliefs and we are conservative in this area as well. We fast during the month of Ramadan from sun up until sun down. This is to teach us discipline. There is no stronger conservative value than discipline as when we are disciplined we are able to make decisions without feeling the pressure of the outside world. The fifth pillar of Islam is to make a pilgrimage to Mekkah. The pilgrimage to Mekkah is important as we are traveling to the divine spot where Muhammad heard the words of Allah that he used to write the Koran. One of the biggest differences in the Islamic culture that we are a part of in comparison to most other cultures of today is the beliefs that we are taught about dating. Muslim teachings teach us that we are not to date until we are in the confines of marriage. It is against our teachings to go out on dates or to have premarital sex as these behaviors are considered worldly and a poisoning of ourselves and we are to be a temple to Allah. In our culture we start a dua when we want to start dating. This means that we ask Allah to send us a mate with whom we will make a good match with. We believe that Allah’s divine wisdom will allow us to meet our perfect match. I believe that a man and woman are created to be able to find the one perfect match for you who will give you spiritual unity and peace. When someone in my family is looking for a partner with whom to share their life with, the whole family becomes involved. It is still important to find someone who we are going to connect with and get along with and having a person chosen for us is not a way of controlling who we date but rather a way of keeping us from making the mistake of bad relationships and having to suffer through the pain of heartache. The overall idea is that by keeping ourselves pure and clean and not being in a physical relationship with anyone we are able to find a partner who truly is the best match for us emotionally. We also are able to find the one true partner that Allah has created for us by not letting physical attraction or other decisions get in our way. We remain pure for those who we are going to marry and yes this does mean that we do not believe in premarital sexual intercourse or sexual relationships in any way. My family is very conservative in the area of dating as both my sister and her husband and my mother and father are part of marriages that were arranged. My family also does not believe in divorce. We believe that if you truly are with the person that Allah has placed you with then there is no reason for divorce from that person. Growing up following the practices of Islam has made me a much more conservative person than most of my peers. I believe that those who commit crimes should be punished to the full extent. One heated subject for today’s culture has been the idea of corporal punishment and I am in favor of this practice when it is used for the correct reasons and within the realms of the law. I feel that this is the conservative approach on this topic, following the adage if you â€Å"can’t do the time then don’t do the crime. † I also am against abortion which is another topic of heated debate today. Abortion is something that is not allowed through the practices of Islam and something that would never be okay for me or anyone in my family. Homosexuality is also popular today and in the faith of Islam it is not allowed as it is considered a true sin. However it is also a sin to perform any type of sexual act outside of marriage as sexual acts are supposed to be for the purpose of creating a family. My family has not had children out of wedlock. My family has always worked hard to uphold themselves to the moral standards of Islam. Some of this has been difficult as I have always had to think of the moral debate to a subject and how I could justify my decision within my faith. I was raised to be respectful to my parents and could not have said some of those things that I have heard other students talk about saying to their parents. I have always been raised that without my parents I would not be anything and that I needed to uphold the utmost respect for them and their decisions in life. Even when I have disagreed with things that my parents have said, I will still give them the respect of listening to their decision without question. I have always known that my family was different from the other families that I have been witness to since moving to the US. Since we have always practiced Islam and since I grew up in Saudi Arabia I did not realize that we were so much more conservative than other families. Being a part of a conservative family has taught me many things, including that I have values and principals that I am not willing to let down for any reason. I want to follow the teachings of Allah and I want to preserve a culture that I feel reacts in a better way too many of the controversial issues of today. There are all kinds of issues that have to be dealt with on a regular basis when someone is growing up in today’s culture. In a way it is nice to not have to worry about some of these issues as they are behaviors that are not permitted by Islam therefore they are behaviors that I have never thought about being involved in. I do not date and I am a virgin and therefore I find that I am a part of a subgroup within the US culture that is unique in itself. Stating that I am simply conservative might be an understatement as I believe that Allah has better for me and that I should uphold myself to the highest moral standards in order to be able to please him and find my end reward later after this life has ended. I also believe that I have been taught unique values which have carried over into my conservative way of thinking. I was raised by both of my parents who are still married and I have watched my older sister attempt to have the same life that we did growing up. I am hopeful that one day Allah will speak and that I will find my mate and be able to fulfill my life as well.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

charant Empathy for Characters in Sophocles Antigone :: Antigone essays

Empathy for Characters in Sophocle's Antigone Sophocle's tragic play Antigone, written in 441 BC, is a theatrical piece of drama in which an audience is compelled to empathize with its character's. When empathizing with characters in Antigone the audience can, in imaginative and cognitive ways, participate in the understanding of a character's feelings, ideas as well as their situations. Antigone, Creon and Ismene all struggle with decisions that concern the laws of their city and the cosmic law of religion and moral judgement. Characters such as Haemon and Eurydice ultimately show the consequences of the decision formed by the two protagonists. Amongst the audience, empathy is created for both; characters faced with agonizing decisions and characters inflicted with tormenting consequences. The levels of empathy felt for each character changes as the story develops and as different qualities are revealed about each character. The amount of empathy felt for a character effects not only the reading of that character but also the m eaning of the play. The first scene of the play involves Antigone asking her sister to go against the laws of the state to help her give the proper burial rites to their brother Polynices. In the first scene there is an immediate sense of empathy felt towards Antigone as she express her feelings of misfortune to Ismene. 'My own flesh and blood - dear sister, dear Ismene, how many griefs our father Oedipus handed down! Do you know one, I ask you, one grief that Zeus will not perfect for the two of us... (p59) By introducing Antigone to the audience as the daughter of the Oedipus the empathy felt toward the tragic hero Oedipus is somewhat inherited by Antigone. The audience reflects on the hardships that the incestuous family of Oedipus have already endured and realizes that the wretched fate of Oedipus is still bringing grief in to Antigone's life. This immediately gives the audience an insight into Antiogne's personal feelings and gives the audience the opportunity to feel empathy for the pain that plagues her life simply because she was born as the daughter of an ill-fated man. Because the audience has been put into a position where they feel empathy for Antigone her character is read with a sympathetic understanding, allowing any of her actions to be considered rational in her situation. Despite the immediate empathy felt toward Antigone because of the connection between herself and Oedipus, the audience is obliged to feel empathy for Antigone because her two brothers at war against each other clashed and won the common prize of death (p66).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Character Essay

Hope, Tenacity, and Ingenuity are all important things everyone must have in order to survive in life, however, when you are placed in danger, these character traits can be the most valuable thing you can have. In the sport of rock climbing/ hiking, people put themselves in harms way in order for the thrill of the sport, but also to push their limits to reach the end. However, sometimes, these dangers you believe that could not happen strike and can change your life entirely. In Danny Boyle’s â€Å"127 Hours,† Aron Ralston is going on a little hike around a canyon were he slips and gets is arm stuck under a rock.Ralston is an excellent example of the 3 key character traits because he uses them all in order to help his escape. In the film, it showed many hallucinations Ralston would see because while he was stuck in the crevice with little to no chance of survival, he still hoped for a miracle and never gave up. His attitude to never give up, or his tenacity, was another important key element to his survival because whenever he would fail with one attempt, instead of getting depressed and giving up, he would think of another way to get out and stayed strong, even in the hardest times.The last element would be his ingenuity because he used all his knowledge of making a pulley, about amputation, and many other things, which aided him in his escape of the crevice. There is one scene where it shows a montage of images with Ralston attempting to throw rope over a ledge in order to make a pulley system, and it showed him fail many times but it showed him using all of the character traits because he never gave up, hoped for a way out, and used his knowledge of a good way to get out of the rock.In the myth of a Sisyphus however, the man stuck on the cliff has a bit of a different attitude then Ralston had. He man stuck on the hill, who is forced to move a rock to the top, only to fail and have to try again. Although all hope of him escaping has died, he st ill stays strong and attempts to achieve the goal. The man does not use any of these traits because he only does one thing; rather then find other ways that could help him achieve his goal.As you can see, the difference between with someone with these characteristics and someone without show completely different outcomes. This is just another example of why it is good to have these traits and shows the pain you will have to go through if you are stuck in a dangerous type of situation. The last example about how these traits are important would be in Krakauer’s story of â€Å"Into Thin Air. † This story is about a group of people venturing up Mt Everest, however on the decent down, a horrible storm hits and basically ends up killing most of the people on the hike.Although some people died in this story who showed good qualities and the character traits, it was not enough for the dangers that lurked in the novel. Even though all of the survivors were people who never gav e up, and hoped o get down, people like Krakauer did not have to much experience and his ingenuity was of not as much help as either fFcher or halls ingenuity would be. Without these traits, Krakauer may not have made it down because if were to of just given up, then he would have just died like the rest of his friends.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Curfews: Law and Certain Regulation Apply

Brittaney Weeams Mr. Dutro-Adkins 4TH Hour English November 27, 2012 Curfews Do they really work? â€Å"Yes† What is a Curfew Curfew is an order specifying a time after which certain regulation apply. In other words an order made by the government or your family to be home at a certain time. Many cities have imposed curfew over the past years and in most of those cities the curfews has reduced several crimes. Curfews are used to discipline and to keep young teens off the streets and out of trouble.Although people feel that there’s no point in curfews and it doesn’t keep our youth out of trouble, I on the other hand feel that curfew does keep our youth out of trouble and is very much needed all over the United States. Why? Because if we didn’t have curfews, there would be way more convicted crimes. There is currently 276 cites that enforced curfews so far. There’s 6 ways to put curfew into place, involve your teen, communicate clearly, except the con sequences, set limits, be reasonable, Negotiate, and communicate.For example In San Diego, California crimes have dropped by 20% and in Dallas Texas and New Orleans theirs have dropped by 40%. This is a prime example why curfews been a big help so far. I feel like curfews shouldn’t be the government’s job. Since they are the ones who enforced it, parents should respect that by taking on the responsibility for their own child and should know where their child is at every given time. Parents can also give their child open space to work and attend after school activities, If they’re willing to obey. And once they feel that their child is responsible then they could give them the freedom they deserve.I believe the interdiction of curfews will help control the importance of curfews all over America if it’s enforced right by parents. There are many penalties for breaking the law, not only children face penalties, parents do to. Parents can face up to a 500 doll ar fine and if they refuse to pay their fines they’ll be placed in jail for a limited time of 90 days. Their only able to get charged if their aware of their child lingering around after curfew hours. Teens caught after midnight is taken home by an officer. Every city has a different penalty.For example in Peoria IL my home town the child is fined 500 dollars and the part is sometime ordered by the court to do community service. Friends are sometime the blame for your child disobeying and breaking curfews. Some children hang around the wrong crowd. Being younger they just might be little followers and think it’s cool to break curfew and to do all the things that their bad friend do. Some friends could put your child under peer pressure and could force them to do the wrong thing. That’s why it’s best for parents to know who their child friends, their background and are and are they good leaders.Yes it may sound a little over protective but sometimes you ha ve to do what you have to do for your child’s own safety. I used to hate curfews when I was younger growing up. I thought it was cool too stay out super late and kick it I mean why not everyone else was doing it. As I grow older I made a promise to not only myself but my family as well to follow all the laws. And growing up seeing other people give the law and their parents hard times made me want to do better. After reaching Curfews I still believe that curfews will work if they are enforced right by not only the law but parents as well.As long as you stay aware of your child’s where abouts and stay on them about curfew and get a good understanding with your child about the law and what’s suppose to be and what’s not suppose to be done everything will be okay. It’s not only your child’s decision it’s yours as well. You make the decision for your child. SOURCES: http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/curfew http://debatepedia. ideba te. org/en/index. php/Debate:_Child_Curfews http://www. boston. com/community/moms/blogs/child_caring/2009/12/city-imposed_curfews_do_they_really_keep_kids_safe. html www. ncpa. org/sub/dpd/index. php? Article_ID=11240 Curfews: Law and Certain Regulation Apply Brittaney Weeams Mr. Dutro-Adkins 4TH Hour English November 27, 2012 Curfews Do they really work? â€Å"Yes† What is a Curfew Curfew is an order specifying a time after which certain regulation apply. In other words an order made by the government or your family to be home at a certain time. Many cities have imposed curfew over the past years and in most of those cities the curfews has reduced several crimes. Curfews are used to discipline and to keep young teens off the streets and out of trouble.Although people feel that there’s no point in curfews and it doesn’t keep our youth out of trouble, I on the other hand feel that curfew does keep our youth out of trouble and is very much needed all over the United States. Why? Because if we didn’t have curfews, there would be way more convicted crimes. There is currently 276 cites that enforced curfews so far. There’s 6 ways to put curfew into place, involve your teen, communicate clearly, except the con sequences, set limits, be reasonable, Negotiate, and communicate.For example In San Diego, California crimes have dropped by 20% and in Dallas Texas and New Orleans theirs have dropped by 40%. This is a prime example why curfews been a big help so far. I feel like curfews shouldn’t be the government’s job. Since they are the ones who enforced it, parents should respect that by taking on the responsibility for their own child and should know where their child is at every given time. Parents can also give their child open space to work and attend after school activities, If they’re willing to obey. And once they feel that their child is responsible then they could give them the freedom they deserve.I believe the interdiction of curfews will help control the importance of curfews all over America if it’s enforced right by parents. There are many penalties for breaking the law, not only children face penalties, parents do to. Parents can face up to a 500 doll ar fine and if they refuse to pay their fines they’ll be placed in jail for a limited time of 90 days. Their only able to get charged if their aware of their child lingering around after curfew hours. Teens caught after midnight is taken home by an officer. Every city has a different penalty.For example in Peoria IL my home town the child is fined 500 dollars and the part is sometime ordered by the court to do community service. Friends are sometime the blame for your child disobeying and breaking curfews. Some children hang around the wrong crowd. Being younger they just might be little followers and think it’s cool to break curfew and to do all the things that their bad friend do. Some friends could put your child under peer pressure and could force them to do the wrong thing. That’s why it’s best for parents to know who their child friends, their background and are and are they good leaders.Yes it may sound a little over protective but sometimes you ha ve to do what you have to do for your child’s own safety. I used to hate curfews when I was younger growing up. I thought it was cool too stay out super late and kick it I mean why not everyone else was doing it. As I grow older I made a promise to not only myself but my family as well to follow all the laws. And growing up seeing other people give the law and their parents hard times made me want to do better. After reaching Curfews I still believe that curfews will work if they are enforced right by not only the law but parents as well.As long as you stay aware of your child’s where abouts and stay on them about curfew and get a good understanding with your child about the law and what’s suppose to be and what’s not suppose to be done everything will be okay. It’s not only your child’s decision it’s yours as well. You make the decision for your child. SOURCES: http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/curfew http://debatepedia. ideba te. org/en/index. php/Debate:_Child_Curfews http://www. boston. com/community/moms/blogs/child_caring/2009/12/city-imposed_curfews_do_they_really_keep_kids_safe. html www. ncpa. org/sub/dpd/index. php? Article_ID=11240

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Events that occurred on June 20, 1981 essays

Events that occurred on June 20, 1981 essays The America of the early 1980s was characterized by concerns relating to the Cold War. On June 21, 1981, for example, the Soviet Union launched a research satellite to dock with the Salyut 6 space laboratory. Though ostensibly for research purposes, the thought of a permanent orbiting Soviet station in space raised concern in the United States regarding Soviet technology ("Soviet Plans Big Orbiting Station"). This growing concern over the harmful potential of foreign technology was also evident in the American interest in the first Arab nuclear conference that just concluded in Damascus, Syria. The conference ended with an agreement to establish nuclear power stations in Arab countries. This conference marked the first foray of Arab nations into nuclear technology ("Arab Nations Set Up Group to Promote Nuclear Power"). Domestically, the United States was further being buffeted by labor disputes. The Air Control Union agreed to delay a scheduled walkout, but continued to agitate for more benefits for its members. The threatened strike caused a great deal of public worry, since a strike by air traffic controllers would disrupt nationwide air travel (Witkin). In addition to the threatened air traffic strike, many Americans were also dealing with the loss of the nation's pastime. Baseball players continued to be on strike, and relations between both sides deteriorated further after failed talks. The resulting delay in the start of baseball season added to the somber air permeating the country. Perhaps partly because of this uncertainty, people turned to the movies and television for entertainment. The most popular programs were comedies, including the hit movie "Cannonball Run" and programs such as "Eight is Enough." Game shows like "The Price is Right" and "The $100,000 Name that Tune" were also popular primetime choices. Such programming ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Dickens use of characters essays

Dickens use of characters essays February 7, 1812, a day in history no one thought possible, a day in history where the view of literature would be changed forever, a day when an author is destined to be considered one of the greatest English novelists of the Victorian period. The day a man whose works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. Charles Dickens was born in Land port, Hampshire, England on February 7, 1812. His father was a clerk in the navy pay office who was well paid but often ended up in financial troubles. These financial troubles soon led to their family being put in Marshatea Debtors Prison in 1824. Prior to his family being put in prison, Dickens moved to London (1814); then Chatham where he received some education. Dickens career as a writer of fiction started in 1833 when his short stories and essays appeared in periodicals. His sketches, By Boz and The Pickwick Papers, were published in 1836 in the same year he married the daughter of his friend George Hogarth, Catherine Hogarth. The Pickwick Papers were stories about a group of rather odd individuals and their travels to Ipswich, Rochester, Bath, and elsewhere. Dickenss novels first appearance in monthly installments including, Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickelby (1838-39), a tale of young Nickelbys struggles to seek his fortune, and The Curiosity Shop (1840-41). Among his later works are David Copperfield (1849-50), where Dickens used his own personal experiences of work in a factory, Bleak House (1860-61). A Tale of Two Cities (1859) set in the years of the French Revolution and Great Expectations (1860-61). In David Copperfield, Dickens use of characters are just basing on Dickens own life experiences. In the novel Daniel Peggotty is a Yarmouth Fisherman, hes generous, and a kind hearted man. His charity consists of thoughtfu...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Kick the academic habit †academic writing vs business writing - Emphasis

Kick the academic habit – academic writing vs business writing Kick the academic habit – academic writing vs business writing Most students are familiar with that morning-after feeling. But academic life can leave you with another kind of hangover youll want to shake off before heading off to work: an academic writing style. When your key reader is more likely to be found in a boardroom than a staffroom, you need to change your approach. The focus should be less on displaying every last bit of knowledge and more on the results you want your document to produce. Plus, its pretty likely your new reader wont have the patience of your university lecturer. So save the flowery prose and make sure to leave these three typical habits behind, along with your lava lamp and Pink Floyd poster. Confusing transitions No, not the last few stops on the pub crawl. This is the careless use of linking words such as moreover, however, furthermore and nevertheless. Theres nothing inherently wrong with these words, but using them doesnt automatically make the connection between paragraphs clear, or even guarantee that what you write is connected to what went before. If you imply a link that is unclear or non-existent, youre going to end up with a confused reader or, worse, an ex-reader. Ask yourself if you can make the connection more explicit to help your reader follow your argument. A good way to do this is to bring a phrase or reference from the previous paragraph into the next. For example, if in one paragraph youve been describing the benefits for a certain department of using a particular system, you might follow with something like: However, the benefits for HR have been outweighed by problems elsewhere One too many Hey, were not here to judge what you do after you clock out. But in working hours, try to show a little restraint with how much you try to fit into one sentence, that is. The overeager student starry-eyed with newly acquired knowledge and an excess of Red Bull is often moved to squeeze every last thing they know about a topic into one paragraph, or even one very long sentence. Post-graduation, give your reader (and yourself) an easier time and a better chance of understanding and acting on your information by sticking to one idea per sentence. Be selective with your information, too. The goal is to give your reader the information they need to know, not a brief history of everything that could possibly be related to it. Short paragraphs can be helpful too, as huge blocks of text on a page can be overwhelming or offputting for the reader. But dont break at a random point just to accomplish this: it will be disorientating and disrupt the flow. Make sure that while every sentence contains only one idea, every paragraph contains just one theme. Sesquipedalian* show-offs * (adj.) pertaining to or given to the use of overly long words Your lecturer may have sighed rapturously at displays of a wide and poetic vocabulary, but the reader of your report may be less entranced. In fact, if you send them off to find a dictionary, they may never return. So make sure you swap unnecessarily long words and phrases for simpler alternatives. For example, is it really vital to write in close proximity to rather than near? Not only are shorter versions understood more readily, being more direct will help the connections youre making come across more clearly: a bold because is preferable to a detached due to the fact that. And avoid nominalisations (the use of a verb as a noun), as they attract unnecessary extra words and disguise the action in a sentence. Why say undertake the implementation of when you could simply say implement, or an even more everyday alternative such as put into place? Why, academia, why? And now, class, let us draw to a close with this question: would it be better if students werent encouraged to write in the academic style in the first place? Richard Dixon, a freelance journalist and commentator who was chief revise editor of The Times for nine years, would say a resounding yes. He recalls having to defend the clear, precise language in his PhD thesis to the external examiner: She criticised my thesis as having some paragraphs with only two ideas, as if this were a mortal sin, and being written in a simple (or maybe simplistic) style not usual in academic writing. I told her that those were the early benefits of training as a sub-editor on a properly edited research journal. And, having himself helped recovering academics grope towards a clear journalistic style, he notes: Very few of them have felt they needed to buy a Dixon voodoo doll and stick pins in it in retaliation. Some have even been grateful. Sadly, even with Richards input, we probably cant expect to change the entire university systems writing habits in the immediate future. But if you can take on board a few of these tips, at least we can help you graduate into the world of business writing with flying colours.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Personal and Professional Development Assignment - 12

Personal and Professional Development - Assignment Example So, I need to create a mindmap regarding self management of my learning and career in art. After setting my ultimate goal in life, I have set up short-term goal at various levels such as personal, educational, artistic, financial and so on with a definite time limit, which will enable to achieve big target of my life. After that, I always keep updating a to-do-list on daily basis to achieve my short-term goals (Developing Personal and Professional Skills | Faint Apogee - 2015). I continue to reflect on my work with SWOT analysis of personality at regular intervals. This is best way to analyze the situation in hand and plan for next day. The regular SWOT analysis enables me to remind myself about my goal in life and remove any distraction which is impeding my progress towards the goal. I use most of the mediums for study of art which are available today such as regular lectures and mentoring in collage, visit galleries during exhibitions, interview artists when they are available and read miscellaneous art books in my spare time. I also browse art sites on internet and keep in touch with various artists on social networking sites and attend art workshops (Developing Personal and Professional Skills | Faint Apogee - 2015). For staying on track, I need to review my goals and my achievement from time to time in an honest manner. For self-assessment, I am objective, honest, a relaxed manner and quiet environment among other things to assess strength and weakness. This is required for increasing commitment to set goals develop competencies in weak areas. There are many self assessment tools in market which are easy to access and thorough but, I like to do my self-appraisal with a very well known assessment tool which is used all over the world by companies regardless of their size and structure. This self assessment tool is known as SWOT analysis. Normally, this self- assessment tools is used

How does mediation prevent, manage, and resolve international conflict Thesis

How does mediation prevent, manage, and resolve international conflict - Thesis Example to bring peace and security to different nations and diminishing the threats imposed on international security by bridging the gap between conflicting parties through mutual settlement and negotiation. Intractable international disputes have always been there with us and have been posing threats to international peace and security. More than this, they lead to continuous wars, violence and numerous deaths from time to time. International stability is always at stake owing to these conflicts that do not have a solution to them and where none of the disputants are willing to compromise to reach a settlement. It’s very difficult to find a solution to such intractable disputes since they go on for a long period with negotiations almost impossible. However, in such cases, mediation is a tool which can bring down the effect of the escalating disputes and its consequences including violence, war and deaths to a lower count. â€Å"It offers the prospect of escaping the dilemmas of intractability†. (Bercovitch 2004) Mediation is a process in which a third party neutral helps in resolving a dispute between two or more other parties. The role of the mediator is to facilitate and assist the parties in working out what the real issues of dispute are, allowing communication between them and other things that meet the interest of the parties by finding a solution to their dispute. (Honeyman, Yawanarajah, 2003) The paper finds out the different types of mediation; the role played by a mediator in bridging the gap between two parties involved in the dispute; the purpose of mediation in international conflicts; the loopholes that arise due to mediators losing humanitarian values and the ways of enhancing effectiveness of mediation. It has clearly pointed out the nations undergoing intractable disputes in the 70’s and 80’s and the number of deaths arising due to the parties not reaching any settlement. A case study of African civil wars also brings to the fore that

Friday, October 18, 2019

The success of fashion bloggers. Are they really becoming fashion Research Paper

The success of fashion bloggers. Are they really becoming fashion dictators - Research Paper Example This essay says, â€Å"entity† with a certain amount of realism, considering that fashion blogging is, first, a relatively new phenomenon in a world of growth in social media â€Å"Entity† represents independent sources of consumer information about relevant lifestyle products, trends, interesting combinations, colors, or other appropriate attitudes about fashion. The difficulty in establishing whether fashion blogging has become dictatorial is determining the volume of individuals that are drawn toward a particular â€Å"entity† working outside of trusted business brands. Does the fashion blogger have the ability to influence consumer behavior? To what level is the influence of the fashion blogger with consumer engagement to provide perceived relevant information? Is there trust in the â€Å"entity† to provide a brand-identified set of credentials that outperforms traditional advertisement and promotion? To understand whether dictatorship is a satisfying term for the fashion blogger is questionable, though there is adequate interest in fashion blogging which is supported by volume and web presence. Are they dictators? The evidence would suggest otherwise, but also discredits the notion of significant fashion blogging success for the high volumes of fashion bloggers currently on the Internet. It should be concluded that fashion bloggers maintain tremendous opportunities to gain consumer dedication, with subsequent support that fashion bloggers maintain certain inherent characteristics that seem to have no place in genuine business practice. Explaining Discrepancies in Blogging Success Constance White, a former fashion writer and the Style Director for E-Bay, clearly states, â€Å"Fashion used to be very dictatorial. Everybody’s a fashion critic. Everyone can comment on whether Reese Witherspoon should have worn the same dress that Kirsten Dunst wore before† (Corcoran, 2006, p.1). Not just anyone can achieve high success with their own, independent fashion blog due to the overwhelming volume of consumer noise providing complex and differing opinion on fashion products. A respected fashion journalist, Mrs. White seems to imply tastelessness for these commentaries, leaving consumers to have to filter out the noise to find respected fashion advice. Entwistle (2005) describes those who value fashion in the cultural industry as an experience-based industry, as well as instinctual, coexisting with formalized strategies for business. Offers Constance White,† perhaps in five or 10 years, blogs will have the power to make unknown fashion designers into stars† (Corcoran, p.1). White is clearly expressing a disconnect between large-scale business strategy and the influence of the fashion blogger. Fortune (2012) offers that blogger relationships with consumers takes time to achieve and effort offered by the blogger to achieve this goal. Sizing up the situation, there is little emphasis being placed on small-scale fashion bloggers who must develop effective strategies to achieve success. When an individual fashion blogger is putting forth the effort to achieve brand success, they gain experience, influence, and perhaps even corporate backing to make their name synonymous with a fashion brand. Mintz (2011, p.1) describes the fashion

Textual analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Textual analysis - Essay Example This narrative is a remarkable tale, and with her discerning language and word use, Chopin provides importance to the audience with every particular expression. Even though it is presented in a quite short description on the beginning of the narrative, one apparently becomes acquainted with the life of Louise Mallard and with her as a symbol, a great deal about the status of women in the time of Chopin. The Story of an Hour is one of the most concise works of Kate Chopin, but perhaps her most revolutionary literary creation: â€Å"It was an attack on marriage, on one person’s dominance over another in ‘that blind persistence which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow creature. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime.’ The demand of self-sacrifice was the crime† (Kahle 2010, 11). Louise Mallard, the major character, was suffering from a heart disease. This description is the first one given to the audience about Louise; her first name was introduced after this particular description. It provided her a particular image, a fragile, flimsy, and weak individual. Her sister informed her, in ‘veiled hints that revealed in half concealing’ (Chopin & Knights 2000, 259) of the death of her husband in a railroad accident. The mention of the ‘veiled hints’ imply that t he Victorian society did not recognize women having the ability to handle such terrible news and the cruel truth. And the response of Louise was a deviation to Victorian norms: she remained composed, yet â€Å"she wept at once† (Chopin & Knights 2000, 273) and immediately escaped to her room. Instead of anguish an unexplainable happiness flooded her because of her newly found freedom, liberated from the authority and repression of her husband. She repeatedly utters, â€Å"Free! Body and soul free!† (Chopin & Knights 2000, 260) Her sudden bliss represented

Thursday, October 17, 2019

East Asia paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

East Asia paper 2 - Essay Example With such economic disparity, China’s development continued to fall as Western culture continued to take its peak. Aside from these, its centralized government began to crumble as rampant corruption erupted. Decentralization in power, warfare, rebellions, overpopulation, as well as the continuing economic downscale continued to pour over China’s arms. Rebellions continued its sprout, starting with the White Lotus Sect that placed an end to the golden age of the Qing dynasty and lasted for almost nine years. Named after the White lotus Buddhist sectarianism, White lotus revolution sparked the Chinese movement to overthrow the Qing dynasty. Starting as tax protesters, this sect was able to gain support from ordinary people against serious concerns in the government. By 1840, the Opium War, armed invasion of France and Britain against China, also broke out. This war was rooted from the dispute against opium trade, as the Chinese Emperor banned opium for its harmful effects in its citizens and derogatory impact on Chinese culture. Such conflict of premise contrasted Britain’s view on opium as a profitable commodity for commercial trade. The Opium War and the series of â€Å"unequal treaties† (or unreasonable treaties which demanded China to give up territories, pay indemnities, and open trading ports) beneficial to Britain further contributed to the downfall of China. The sudden turn of events converted China into a semi-feudal and semi-colonized country. Aside from the aforementioned wars, China also suffered from the Boxer Rebellion, a rebellion of the Chinese patriots (who used acts of violence such as murder, robbery, vandalism, and arson) as a means in opposing the forces of foreign traders and troops.

Critique essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Critique - Essay Example The duty of USA as the world’s superpower is to ensure security of Americans and the world in general. It is involved in wars that upset the world peaceful order. USA and other European allies persuaded Iran to drop nuclear and Uranium production to protect the civil stability existing in the country after many years of war. If US had vested interests in Iran, it would not have lifted the international sanctions regimes, Iran’s key oil ores, banking and financial sector. The country gets at least $4.2 billion profit from the oil sales which USA could benefit as a result of the war. USA would have retained Arak reactor instead of suggesting having the plutonium reduced to manageable levels. An article by BBC News reveals that there are still political constraints that will upset the success of the negotiations about nuclear programs. There is a possibility that Iran could go out for war as opposed to USA opting to strike it and halt the production of nuclear and uranium products. The trips of John Kerry and the US security officials have been fruitless. In an article written by Irene Chapple and Mark Thompson on CNN edition, the newly elected Iran president Rouhani maintains that Iran will continue to embrace the peaceful technology of nuclear weapons. The president had stated six months before Iran went into a peace deal with USA. The president changed his stance on nuclear weapons manufacture in Iran and supported the move to have the facilities inspected. There is a high likelihood that the same president can pursue war interests towards other countries other than USA. The essay states that the bone of contention between USA and Iran emanated from the perception that Iran could be pursuing war to revenge against the west. Iran could still spoil for war against Israel since the feud between the two countries has never been solved since 1979. Iran perceives Israel as an illegitimate state and has no right to exist. The article provides evidence that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

East Asia paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

East Asia paper 2 - Essay Example With such economic disparity, China’s development continued to fall as Western culture continued to take its peak. Aside from these, its centralized government began to crumble as rampant corruption erupted. Decentralization in power, warfare, rebellions, overpopulation, as well as the continuing economic downscale continued to pour over China’s arms. Rebellions continued its sprout, starting with the White Lotus Sect that placed an end to the golden age of the Qing dynasty and lasted for almost nine years. Named after the White lotus Buddhist sectarianism, White lotus revolution sparked the Chinese movement to overthrow the Qing dynasty. Starting as tax protesters, this sect was able to gain support from ordinary people against serious concerns in the government. By 1840, the Opium War, armed invasion of France and Britain against China, also broke out. This war was rooted from the dispute against opium trade, as the Chinese Emperor banned opium for its harmful effects in its citizens and derogatory impact on Chinese culture. Such conflict of premise contrasted Britain’s view on opium as a profitable commodity for commercial trade. The Opium War and the series of â€Å"unequal treaties† (or unreasonable treaties which demanded China to give up territories, pay indemnities, and open trading ports) beneficial to Britain further contributed to the downfall of China. The sudden turn of events converted China into a semi-feudal and semi-colonized country. Aside from the aforementioned wars, China also suffered from the Boxer Rebellion, a rebellion of the Chinese patriots (who used acts of violence such as murder, robbery, vandalism, and arson) as a means in opposing the forces of foreign traders and troops.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

COMBATING COMPASSION FATIGUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

COMBATING COMPASSION FATIGUE - Essay Example If the connection is prolonged, the practitioner develops compassion fatigue. Yoder (2010) describes compassion fatigue as a vice that minimizes the efficiency of the practitioner due to their increased connection with their duties. Moreover, compassion fatigue develops a nature in a practitioner that tends to ignore the requirements of the patient. The practitioner is overburdened with emotional and spiritual connections to a point that they do not feel the need to perform exemplarily in their position. 16% – 85% of health care workers in different fields suffer from compassion fatigue (Yoder, 2010). This describes the extent of the crisis in the industry. This paper will provide signs that depict signs of compassion fatigue. In addition, I will analyze the problems that may be caused and aid that may relieve caregivers. There are numerous signs that may depict compassion fatigue in a caregiver. Firstly, the performance of the practitioner deteriorates significantly. This is because the focus of the caregiver is shifted to address their emotional problems. Additionally, the caregiver does not concentrate on their work. This decreases their effectiveness to perform. Apart from physical signs, caregiver may suffer from psychological effects. For instance, they find it difficult to stop thinking about their patients and job. Walton & Alvarez (2010) is of the assumption that a caregiver should be able to have a life beyond their job description. A failure to achieve this depicts compassion fatigue. In other occasion, the caregiver becomes obsessed with their patients. In a worst case, of compassion fatigue, the caregiver has trouble sleeping. This is caused by memories and over thinking about their job and patients. Another sign is that the caregiver does not have the energy and will to work. In addition, they become less satisfied with their work. This

Monday, October 14, 2019

Elizabeth receives three proposals of marriage in Pride and Prejudice Essay Example for Free

Elizabeth receives three proposals of marriage in Pride and Prejudice Essay The first sentence of the novel Pride and Prejudice states, It is the truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. This clearly demonstrates how important marriage was in the Victorian age and to the Bennet girls. Using this as the first sentence of the novel reinforces the theme of marriage from the very start. The plot of Pride and Prejudice is centred on four relationships with all of these resulting in marriage. The first relationship was between Charlotte Lucus and Mr Collins which resulted in a marriage of convenience as neither party showed any affection and thought of marriage as merely a contract that would help both sides. The second couple was Miss Lydia Bennet and Mr Wickham. In the novel Lydia and Wickham eloped and ran off to London. Mr Wickham was paid by Mr Darcy to marry Lydia. The third was between Miss Jane Bennet and Mr Bingly which was a relationship of true love. The relationship encountered many ups and downs but eventually true love triumphed. The fourth was between Mr Darcy and Miss Lizzy Bennet. This was an unusual couple as they came from very different classes in Victorian society and their marriage very nearly did not happen. This marriage was based on love. The Bennet girls had limited options in life. The first was to get married and love honour and obey their husband. The second was to become a spinster and live off her male relatives. To be a spinster you were regarded as a social outcast in society. The third was to be a governess. To get married was seen to be by far the best option for women in the Victorian age. Women had few rights. The Bennet girls had the unfortunate coincidence of being five girls in their family. This meant that they would only have a small dowry, as all money had to be split five ways. Extra pressure was mounted on the Bennet girls shoulders through Mr Collins. If Mr Bingly died the Bennet girls would have been thrown out of Longbourn in favour of Mr Collins as their house was entitled to heirs male. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is the heroine of the novel. Elizabeth has several character traits, which make it somewhat less difficult for her to refuse her first proposal from Mr Collins. These include; her perceptiveness, which enabled her to easily manipulate Mr Collins. Lizzy is very witty and we know this because it says in the text that, She has more of a quickness than her sisters. In the last paragraph of the proposal scene we see that Lizzy puts an emphasis on the personal pronouns we and I. This shows that she is as proud and self interested as Mr Collins. However, Elizabeth lacks self-awareness she is proud and prejudiced. Elizabeth wants to be seen as an intelligent, educated woman. She wants a marriage but only if it is based on love. She will not settle for merely a business arrangement. The novel of Pride and Prejudice has two comedy climaxes and both have connections with Mr Collins. The first is Mr Collins proposal. Elizabeth is genuinely shocked and embarrassed by this proposal. She nearly bursts out laughing when he says that he was Run away with by my feelings. Humour is achieved by Mr Collins manner as Austen satirises the role of a traditional clergyman. For example, he is supposed to put others first yet through the first paragraph of the proposal he uses the personal pronouns I, me and my thirteen times. Elizabeth is clearly affronted by the fact that Mr Collins believes that he is dong her and her family a service by making his proposal of marriage. He believes that Elizabeth and her family should regard him as an exceedingly good catch. Elizabeth, however, with her strong intellect does not regard Mr Collins as her equal or as her superior. She can hardly contain her fury when she replies sarcastically, I am very sensitive of the honour of your proposals but it is impossible for me to do otherwise other than to decline them. Her temper rises when Mr Collins persists with his proposal as he believes it is customary for prospective brides to reject a proposal a second or even a third time. Elizabeth, in exasperation, does her utmost to convince Mr Collins that marriage to him is completely out of the question, I am perfectly serious in my proposal. You could not make me happy. This is the basis of Elizabeths refusal she wants a marriage based on love and respect which will lead to happiness. She regards Mr Collins as beneath her in intellect and sensitivity. In her eyes, he is a pompous fool with an over-inflated sense of importance. She does not love or respect him. She feels that she would be compromising herself by accepting him his proposal and she is totally frustrated by his apparent in ability to accept her refusal. In this proposal we see that there is a character contrast between Elizabeth and Mr Collins. Mr Collins obeys orders. He admits that to Elizabeth he is following Lady Catherine de Bourghs instruction to marry when he says, It is the particular advice and recommendation of a certain noble lady whom I have the honour of calling patroness. Lizzy, however, will not be swayed by the opinion of others whatever their social status. During his proposal Mr Collins reminds Lizzy that he is, To inherit this estate after the death of your honoured father. This shows Mr Collins lack of understanding of Lizzys love for her father. This is juxtaposition between the theme of love and marriage and the death of Mr Bennet. This is very amusing for the reader. The second proposal that Elizabeth receives is from Mr Darcy. The title of this novel, Pride and Prejudice is a metaphor for Elizabeths relationship with Mr Darcy. Mr Darcy is seen by Elizabeth to be too proud. Mr Darcy is a lot further up the social strata than the Bennet family. He thinks that he would be degrading himself to marry her. He really believed, that were it not for the inferiority of her connections, he should be in some danger. Elizabeth is prejudiced against Darcy. Elizabeth has been fooled by Mr Wickhams stories of Mr Darcy. Elizabeth believes that after the death of the late Mr Darcy, Mr Darcy threw Mr Wickham out of his fathers house and failed to adhere to his promise of a family living. However later on in the novel this is confirmed to be not the case. Through the plot line we see how Austen has created hostility between Mr Darcy and Elizabeth. At their first meeting, Mr Darcy does not endear himself to Elizabeth and her family because of his superior attitude. He says of Elizabeth, She is tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me. This dislike of Mr Darcy is increased through his interference in the relationship between Jane and Mr Bingly. He admits to Elizabeth that I did everything in my power to separate my friend from your sister. Elizabeth was very astounded by Mr Darcys first proposal. Her prejudice against him increased due to the manner in which he made this proposal. He explained to her how she had struggled with himself but was unable to stop himself from telling her, how ardently I admire and love you. However, Mr Darcy made the mistake of dwelling on what he perceived Elizabeths inferiority. Elizabeth could see that, like Mr Collins, Mr Darcy expected her to accept his proposal and it had not crossed his mind that she would do otherwise. Elizabeths anger increases because she can see that Darcy arrogantly assumes that she will marry him. Elizabeth felt herself growing more angry every moment. He openly tells her that he has tried to quell his feelings for her because a marriage to her would be degrading. This arrogance and sense of superiority and pride infuriates Elizabeth. Although she is flattered by his proposals, her prejudices make it impossible for her to accept it. She does not want to be seen as a charity case. Also, she does not want to be seen to condone what she perceives to be his ungentlemanly past behaviour towards Mr Wickham and her sister. She declares that from the very beginning she despised his arrogance, conceit and selfish disdain of the feelings of others. The third proposal that Elizabeth received was again from Mr Darcy. However, by this time Elizabeth has heard the truth about Mr Wickham and his atrocious behaviour. Her regard for Mr Darcy has grown through her understanding of the part that he played in resolving the problems with Lydias elopement and eventual marriage to Mr Wichkam. At the time of the second proposal Elizabeths prejudices against Mr Darcy have disappeared. Indeed she cannot wait to express her thanks for the part that he played in helping Lydia and ultimately her family. However, Mr Darcy tells Elizabeth that her family owe him nothing and he only cares about her. On her return to London, Lady Catherine De Burgh called on Mr Darcy to obtain the promise from Mr Darcy which she had not got from Elizabeth. She told him of her visit to Longbourn and her conversation with Elizabeth and how she had refused to promise that she would not accept a marriage proposal from Mr Darcy. The effect of her visit, had been exactly contrariwiseIt taught me to hopeI knew enough of your disposition to be certain that had you been absolutely irrevocably decided against me you would have acknowledged it to Lady Catherine frankly and openly. He humbles himself when he openly, for the second time, declares his love for Elizabeth and openly outlines his inferior traits. He confirms that he has been a selfish being all his life. He as an only child her was spoilt and not taught to control his temper. He also says admits that he was almost taught to be selfish and overbearing, to care for no-one beyond my own family circle. He tells Elizabeth that that it is she who has brought him humility. In my opinion it was not only Elizabeth who was prejudiced but Darcy too as he is prejudiced about her place in the social hierarchy. It is also not only Darcy who is proud but Elizabeth is too. She will not lower her standards and complies with the conventions of the day by consenting to marry just to please her mother or other members of society. She is determined to hold out against all the odds and marry only for love. At the end of the novel Elizabeth achieves her goal of marrying someone who will truly make her happy. This could be seen as a reflection of Jane Austens view on marriage, that is, that a good marriage is one that is based on love and mutual respect. Do anything rather than marry without affection.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

IVU Preparation and IVU Procedure

IVU Preparation and IVU Procedure What is Intravenous Urography? Intravenous Urography examines is the urinary system by using a special dye (contrast medium) that is injected into one of your veins. The dye travels through the bloodstream and is removed by the kidneys and passed into the ureters and bladder. The dye helps to show up these organs more clearly on X-rays. The test can help find out the cause of urinary problems. It can show kidney and bladder stones, tumours, blood clots or narrowing in the ureters. It is routinely done as an out-patient procedure in the radiology department. The procedure is comprised of two phases. First, it needs a functioning kidney to clean the dye out of the blood into the urine. The time necessary for the dye to come into view on x rays correlate exactly with kidneys function. The second phase gives entire anatomical images of the urinary tract. Within the first few minutes the dye lights up the kidneys, a stage called the nephrogram. Later the pictures follow the dye down the ureters and into the bladder. The final film taken after urinating shows how well the bladder empties. The contrast is removed from the bloodstream through the kidneys. Then contrast media becomes visible on x-rays almost immediately after injection. Attention is paid at the: Kidney Bladder  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Tubes that connect them (urethras) Why Intravenous Urography is done? The most common reason an IVU is done is in a condition be the suspected presence of stones in the urinary tract. Other pathology are such as renal failure, myeloma and infancy. The doctor would like to know how the urine is draining from the kidney to the bladder and how the stones have affected your urinary system. This may be used to balance the ultrasound of the kidney to the bladder and how the stones have affected the urinary system and the other wise. IVU uses a dye, also called as a contrast medium. This shows up the soft tissues the urinary system on the x-ray. This will allow the cancer to be seen in any parts of the patients urinary system. The cancer shows up as a blockage or an uneven outline on the wall of the bladder or ureter for an example. It is also used in the investigation of other suspected causes of urine obstruction or blood in the urine. Patient preparation for Intravenous Urography. Patient should be held NPO for 24 hours prior to the radiographic study. Patient should receive a minimum of 2 cleansing enemas prior to study. One enema should be performed the night before the procedure. Patient should receive large-bore catheter prior to examination start time. Patients over 60 lbs should receive 2 large-bore catheters to facilitate contrast administration. Medication Instruction Fasting Instruction Bowel Preparation A) Unless the patient have an asthma or other allergies the medications are not reqiured. Therefore, the suggestion for the examination is reviewed since the patient can develop a reaction towards the contrast media that are used. If the doctor feels the benefits of this procedure will equalize the risks, then the patient may be arranged to prednisolone (a type of steroid medication) tablets for the examination. This would be 40 mg 12 hours and then, 40mg 2 hours prior to the procedure. Sometimes in an urgent examination, the patient may be given an injection of Hydrocortisone 100 mg (another type of steroid) just before the the examination. B) If the IVU procedure is in the afternoon, patient can take light breakfast. Until 4-6 hours before the procedure, the patient can take a small cup of clear fluids per hour such as water, fruit juice, black tea or black coffee. No milk must be taken because it causes indigestion. It is preferable that nothing should be taken for at least 4 hours prior to the procedure. Water is allowed in diabetics, myeloma patients, renal failure and for other conditions where dehydration is contraindicated. C) Low residue vegetable-free diet for 1 day before the examination. A lot of water should be taken during this period before fasting begins. The patient may be given laxatives such as 2 tablets of Dulcolax at 9 pm the night before the examination to increase the peristalsis action. Procedure for Intravenous Urogram. Patient will be asked to lie on an x-ray table where the radiographer will take a preliminary film of their abdomen. The doctor will then give patient an injection of contrast medium into their arm. After this, a series of films will be taken over the next 30 minutes as the dye passes through your renal tract. At one stage of the procedure, a tight band may be placed on patients lower abdomen to help the radiographer to obtain maximum filling of the kidneys before the contrast medium flows down into the bladder. At the end of the examination, patient will be asked to empty your bladder, and then another film will be taken to see the empty bladder. Sometimes the contrast medium takes some time to go through the kidneys and these results in an extended examination time. Contrast medium is a fluid that is opaque to x-rays, is concentrated in the kidneys and goes into the bladder before being passed out in your urine. It is colorless, so the patient cannot see it when you go to the toile t. Aside from the minor sting from the injection as the contrast medium is injected, some people report feeling a warm flush, and sometimes have a metallic taste in their mouth. These things usually disappear within a minute or two, and are no cause for alarm. Incase the patient become itchy or short of breath, let the radiologist know straight away, as they may have a slight reaction to the contrast, which can be eased with antihistamines. If the patient have asthma or severe allergies, the radiologist may suggest them to take a steroid, or use other imaging options. Patient care after Procedure Sometimes, there would be minor (generalised warmth, to rashes) to moderate, asthma and difficulty breathing, a drop in the blood pressure (usually transient) or rarely severe and life threatening (anaphylaxis). Infrequently, there may be severe discomfort/pain when compression is applied, but usually the compression will be released the moment the patient inform the radiographer in charge of your examination. The only severe complication of an IVP is an allergy to the iodine-containing dye that is used. Such an allergy is rare, but it can be fatal. Patient are given and asked to lay on top of draw sheets cause the radiographic may be cold. Pillows are given for comfort. There is usually no special instructions post IVU. The patient may eat and drink unless your referring doctor has another examination or procedure for you after the IVU examination About the Intravenous Urography Examination The procedure takes about 40 to 60 minutes. Patient need to empty their bladder before the test. In a private cubicle, Patient may be asked to remove their clothing and put on a hospital gown. Then patient will be taken to the X-ray room and asked to lie down on the X-ray table. Radiographer will take the first X-ray pictures without the dye. Radiographer will then inject the dye in a vein in their hand or arm, and take more X-rays of your abdomen and pelvis. Patient may be asked to move position and lie on your stomach, or hold their breath for a few seconds while the X-rays are taken. To help improve images of the kidneys, a tight band may be placed across their abdomen. Patient may also be asked to go the toilet to empty your bladder and have another X-ray taken. Results on Intravenous Urography A normal intravenous urogram indicates no visible abnormality in the structure or function of the urinary system. The radiologist looks for a smooth non-lobulated outline of each kidney, no clubbing or other abnormality of the renal calyces (collecting system), and no abnormal fluid collection in the kidneys that could suggest obstruction. The ureters must contain no filling defects (stones) or deviations due to an adjacent tumor. The bladder must have a smooth outline and empty normally as visualized on the post-void film. Abnormal results include hydronephrosis (distension of the renal pelvis and calices due to obstruction) as a result of tumors or calculi (stones). Cysts or abscesses may also be present in the urinary system. A delay in renal function can also indicate renal disease. An abnormal amount of urine in the bladder after voiding may indicate prostate or bladder problems. Intravenous urograms are often done on children to rule out a rapid developing tumor in the kidneys, called a Wilms tumor. Children are also prone to infections of the bladder and kidneys due to urinary reflux (return back-flow of urine). Film For a preliminary film, (35 x 43cm) supine full A.P. abdomen to include lower border of symphysis pubis and diaphragm, abdominal preparation,and for any calcifications overlying the renal tract areas. Additional films to decide position of any opacities.35 ° posterior oblique of the renal regions. Tomogram of the renal areas are at 8-11 cm 4 reasom why we do preminilary Patient preparation The position of kidney (collimation) Exposure factor Instruction For an immediate film (24 x 30cm), AP of the renal areas, the film is exposed 10-14 s after the injection (arm-to-kidney time). It is to show the nephrogram. For a 5 minute film (24 x 30cm) AP of the renal areas, this film is taken to decide if the excretion is equal or if the uptake is poor and is important for assessing the need to adjust the technique. A compression band is now applied around the patients abdomen and the balloon positioned midway between the iliac spines. This can produce better pelvicalyceal distension. Compression should not be used in cases of suspected renal colic, renal trauma or after recent abdominal surgery. In 15 minute AP of the renal areas, there is usually sufficient distension of the pelvicalyceal system with opaque urine by the time. In the release of film the supine AP abdomen, this film is taken to show the whole urinary tract. If the film is good enough, the patient is asked to empty their bladder. The main value of this film is to access bladder emptying to demonstrate a return to normal of the dilated upper tracts with the relief of bladder pressure. In 25 Minute film (24 x 30cm) 15 ° caudal angulations centred 5 cm above the upper border of the symphysis pubis to reveal the swollen bladder. After micturition film, this will be the coned view of the bladder with the tube angled 15 caudad and centred 5cm above the symphysis pubis or the full length abdominal film to show the bladder emptying success and the return of the previously swollen lower ends of urethras to normal. Contrast agents and drugs Common examples for a 70 kg adult with normal blood urea values (2.5 7.5mmol/L.)Contrast media must be warmed to body temperature before injection. High osmolarity of contrast medium (HOCM) or low osmolarity of contrast medium (LOCM) 370 are acceptable but infants and small children, those with renal and cardiac failure, poorly hydrated patients, patients with diabetes, myelomatosis or sickle-cell anaemia and patient who have had a previous severe contrast medium reaction with low osmolarity contrast medium reaction with a strong allergic history have to receive low osmolarity contrast medium. Paediatric dose is 1ml kg/1 Equipment used for Intravenous Urogram Conray 400 ® 1 mL / lb ( 3 mL / kg) In high risk cats or compromised dogs (abnormal BUN / Creatinine), consult with the radiologist about the use of Omnipaque (Iohexol) instead of the Conray. Indwelling catheter preplaced in patient by clinician, student or treatment room techs. Depending on size of the animal or amount of contrast to be injected, 2 catheters might be required. Crash kit should be made available in the case of allergic contrast reaction (ie: vomiting and / or nausea are the most common.) What are the risks on doing Intravenous Urogram? Intravenous urograms are commonly performed and generally safe. However, in order to make an informed decision and give your consent, you need to be aware of the possible side-effects and the risk of complications of this procedure .Patient will be exposed to some X-ray radiation. Level of exposure is about the same as the background radiation that you would receive naturally from the environment over 12 to 14 months. Pregnant women are advised not to have X-rays, as there is a risk the radiation may affect the development of your unborn child. If the patient is, or think you may be pregnant, they must tell their doctor before the appointment. These are the unwanted but mostly temporary effects of a successful procedure. Very rarely, they may sense a warm feeling or get a metallic taste in their mouth after having the contrast. This should last only a minute or two.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Moral Education in the University :: Philosophy Research Papers

Moral Education in the University ABSTRACT: Does the title of the World Congress of Philosophy, Paideia: Philosophy Educating Humanity, reflect hubris, irony or a pragmatic optimism? How is it possible for philosophy to educate the human community in the twenty-first century? More specifically, at a time when few people besides academic philosophers read philosophy, in what sense can philosophy educate humanity? In this essay I examine one possible way philosophy can educate humanity advanced by Derek Bok, former president of Harvard University. In a variety of public lectures, published essays and books Bok insists that America's leading colleges and universities ought to recommit themselves to moral education as one of their central tasks. I argue that recommitment to this task on the part of these elite universities is far more difficult than Bok admits. Indeed, I contend that as long as America's elite educational institutions retain the intellectual and structural commitments that displaced paideia, Bok's vision for moral education has little chance of success. At a time when both higher education and philosophy are self-conscious about their limitations, The Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy chose as its theme, Paideia: Philosophy Educating Humanity. Does this title reflect hubris, irony or a pragmatic optimism? How is it possible for philosophy to educate the human community in the twenty-first century? More specifically, at a time when few people besides academic philosophers read philosophy, in what sense can philosophy educate humanity? In this essay I examine one proposed answer to this question. Derek Bok, former president of Harvard University, in a variety of public lectures, published essays and books offers one possible way philosophy can educate humanity. Bok insists that America's leading colleges and universities ought to recommit themselves to moral education as one of their central tasks. (1) While I sympathize with Bok's admonition to America's prestigious universities to reclaim the task of moral education, I shall ar gue that a recommittal to this task on the part of these elite universities is far more difficult that Bok admits. (2) Indeed, I contend that as long as America's elite educational institutions retain the intellectual and structural commitments that displaced paideia, Bok's vision for moral education has little chance of success. To accomplish this aim, first, I clarify Bok's case for moral education in American colleges and universities. Second, closely following Bok's account, I provide a brief history of moral education in 19th century America.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Othello (How Is He Lead to His Demise) Essay

Shakespearean writing are ones of which, with a few strokes of a pen, can achieve more than novelists can achieve in a full length novel. Shakespeare’s writing is complex and includes great measures of love, hatred, loyalty, deception and betrayal. These traits of his texts are all evident in Othello. In Act 1, Othello is perceived as a noble moor. With Shakespeare’s invention of the manipulating and cunning Iago, the multi-layered use of Othello’s mothers handkerchief, and Othello’s past military training being resurfaced due to Iago’s lies, all lead Othello to his demise. Deception and betrayal are two of Iago’s worst traits when he is outranked by Cassio. Iago’s capacity for cruelty appears limitless, and no motivation he gives for his actions seems enough to explain the incredible destruction he wreaks on the lives of the people he knows best. His bitterness in not succeeding on becoming lieutenant is not a sufficient enough reason to match his countless acts of evil machinations. Iago uses a subtle approach when provoking Othello to become untrustworthy of Desdemona. He is able to hurt Othello successfully because he understands him so much. He grows closer to Othello as the plot progresses. In Act 2, scene 1 Iago states, â€Å"The moor, howbeit that I endure him not, is of constant, loving, noble nature†. These 3 adjectives indicate his awareness of Othello’s character. As Iago therefore continues to explain that he knows the noble moor would be a deserving husband of his wife, but then uses this knowledge to his power to play with Othello’s thoughts, using his strong love for Desdemona as a portal to self-destruction for all of those he knows best. He makes this statement in soliloquy after Othello and the entire company land on Cyprus. He is able to acknowledge that Othello is a worthy noble man, however, Iago reveals how evil and manipulating he can be, by wanting to utterly destroy Othello’s life and reputation. He is subbed when Othello gives the lieutenant’s position to Cassio. In return he makes ridiculous excuses that Othello slept with his wife Emilia, as another reason for revenge. It is all because of Iago’s cunning and evil power that he ruins these lives for his own sadistic pleasure. The noble moor is led to become the enraged murder when manipulative Iago tells Othello that Desdemona has given his mother’s handkerchief to Cassio. Act 3 Scene 3 is the beginning of Othello’s â€Å"handkerchief plot†, a seemingly insignificant event that becomes the means in which Othello, Desdemona, Cassio, Roderigo, Emilia and even Iago himself are completely undone. The handkerchief symbolizes love and with the manipulation of Iago, great depths of anger and untrustworthiness. Othello tells Desdemona that an Egyptian witch gave it to his mother, and it serves as a love charm. â€Å"Make it a darling like your precious eye. To lose’t or to give’t away were such a prediction as nothing else could match† Othello tells Desdemona. Othello’s simile here is an alarming one as it is evident that if Desdemona was to be unfaithful, the superstitious purposes can be equated in value for a precious bodily organ. Shakespeare cleverly allows this item to move amongst characters in the novel before Othello demands evidence of his wife’s disloyalty to him. Iago has already planned out his scheme before confronting Othello. â€Å"Tell me but this, have you not sometimes seen a handkerchief, spotted with strawberries in your wife’s hand?† Iago uses this rhetorical question as a persuasive technique to make his point more believable. He explains to Othello that earlier that day he seen Cassio wipe his mouth with the handkerchief. We know that Cassio has not seen the item, and it is in Iago’s pocket whilst he asks this question. Othello is so blinded by jealousy that he accepts Iago’s lie as the strongest possible evidence. Although he forgets Desdemona tried to bind his head with it at dinner. Through this imagery and plot device we see that the importance of the handkerchief assists the noble moor in becoming the enraged murderer in scene 5. Scene 5 sees the story unfold and the main characters undone. Othello enters the room as he hovers over Desdemona whilst he tries to prepare himself to kill her. â€Å"It is the cause; it is the cause, my soul, let me not name it to you, you chaste stars! It is the cause†. This use of repetition implies Othello’s constant thought process and how he knows in his mind she has done wrong. He feels as though he must put an end to her betrayal and disloyalty, if not for himself, but for future men she may do it to. His past military training makes the killing of his wife second nature, a routine manoeuvre that’s sees the horrible deed carried out far easier than the circumstances should have allowed. â€Å"Out, strumpet! Weep’st thou for him to my face?† Desdemona is questioned by Othello, asking if she is calling for Cassio right to his face. â€Å"Down, strumpet!†. Othello proceeds to call Desdemona a whore on numerous occasions. This dramatic visualization enforces the idea that Othello has been greatly manipulated. Iago’s words have pushed him to the extent that he can no longer see Desdemona the way he once used too. His second nature of killing and military training is evident when he does not give Desdemona that chance to say a last prayer. He tells her, â€Å"It is too late†, as he smoothers her with the pillow they once both lay on together. This cruel and unfair treatment comes from what he knows best. If in danger, you must protect yourself. Although he was not in physical harm, his heart was in a much deeper pain. He used his unique skills as his defence mechanism to kill. Othello has been considered one of the most painful of Shakespeare’s tragedies. It explores the collapse of a proud, honourable man, the killing of a beautiful, dedicated woman, and the unreasoning hate of a â€Å"motiveless† villain. The text has evoked terror and pity in audiences throughout the centuries. Othello however holds a power that is perhaps more abrupt and strongly felt for operating on the personal, human plane.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Female Foeticide in India

What is female foeticide?The act of aborting or terminating a foetus while it’s still in the womb, because it is female, is known as female foeticide. This can be done after determining the sex of the child before it’s born, through ultrasound scans. Although, sex determination in India is illegal, the practice is rampant and has become a multi-million dollar industry. Coupled with prospective parents desperate for a boy child, and physicians who are carrying out these abortions, female foeticide has become a shameful and shocking reality of our nation. What is the main cause of female foeticide?For centuries, families across many parts of India have regarded a male child as the preferred of the two sexes. There have been many social, financial, emotional and religious reasons for this preference and while times have changed, many of these reasons and beliefs continue to remain. Today, some of the key reasons that exist for the preference of a male child are as follows: The tradition of paying dowry at the time of a daughter’s marriage is alive and kicking. This amount can be so huge that many parents will go to extreme lengths to avoid having a daughter in the first place. A son is seen as someone who can earn and care for his parents in their later years, while a daughter will get married and go away.A son can carry on the family name, while a daughter becomes part of her husband’s family. Girls are seen as consumers, whereas boys are seen as producers. Many families consider it a status symbol to have a son, and a point of shame to have a daughter. Often, the pressure to bear a male child on the woman is so great that she herself might choose to get sex determination done and abort the baby if it’s a girl. Illiteracy, poverty and the tag of ‘burden’ that is assigned to a girl child, makes the desire for a male child even stronger.Modern technology has made it very easy to determine the sex of the child while it ’s still in the womb, giving parents-to-be the option of aborting the foetus and continuing to try to conceive till they get a male child. While sex determination has been banned by the Indian government, it does not stop families from going to great lengths to find out anyway. Not only are there plenty of scanning centres that reveal this information, many of the wealthier families fly the pregnant mother to neighbouring countries  where sex determination is legal, to find out the gender of the baby. Once the gender of the baby is known, families that are keen to have a baby boy choose to abort the female foetus. The law on aborting is also strict, and the Indian government allows it only under certain circumstances.Therefore, by determining the sex of the baby and aborting it because it’s a girl, the parents as well as the participating physicians are breaking two major laws.What impact does female foeticide have on the sex ratio?Sex ratio refers to ratio of female s to males in a given region. Practices like female foeticide and female infanticide (killing a baby girl after she is born) have had an adverse effect on the sex ratio of a nation and gives rise to further social evils. As per the Indian Census 2011 report, the sex ratio of India (females per 1000 males) is as follows: Average India sex ratio – 933Rural sex ratio – 946 Urban sex ratio – 900 State with highest female sex ratio – Kerala – 1058 State with lowest female sex ratio – Haryana – 861 What are the long-term impacts of female foeticide?The most important impact of female foeticide is the skewed ratio it gives rise to. The dearth of females leads to other complications like female trafficking, kidnappings and in increase in assault and rape against women. Female foeticide is a horrific and illegal practice that has got to be stopped. The way to do this is by implementation of stronger laws and bringing about a change in the mind -set of our countrymen – uphill tasks, but absolutely crucial nevertheless.

NATO and Terrorism

â€Å"A key feature of terrorism is that it is directed at a wider audience or target than the immediate victims. It is one of the earliest forms of psychological warfare. An inevitable corollary is that terrorism entails attacks on random and symbolic targets, including civilians, in order to create a climate of extreme fear among a wider group.† (Buckley and Fawn, pg. 1) Whenever, any country or a nation is at a critical stage and it feels that someone might capture his homeland, and then he bears the courage to fight for his homeland as for the love of his country. There are special rules and principles according to which countrymen can protect their nation from enemies. An alliance was formed by the European countries and the US when they were facing attacks from the Soviet Nations. To fight for their land, they created an alliance which is called NATO. The abbreviation of NATO is North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was created to promote harmony among the member countries and throughout the world. The basic responsibilities of the NATO soldiers were to remove the people whose lives were at stake near the borderline so that they could be accommodated too much safer places then those. In this regard, every member country was bound to follow all the instructions of this allied force in connection of the co-operation and peace among these countries. When this allied force was created there were about 51 countries in it and now it comprises about 189 countries. Basically, history tells that it was the unity of all the European nations, United States and Canada against a Soviet attack on their participating or friend nations. â€Å"The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), as it often has been, is once again at the center of this debate. Today NATO is once again a subject of concern and debate. Member states have put the organization through a major structural overhaul, but there continue to be doubts concerning its future in the absence of a threat†. (Cohen et al, pg. 20) The NATO is said to be an allied force as it is so it fights against terrorism but the main point to this topic is that if the NATO is fighting against terrorism then terrorism may surely be affecting it in many ways. The most favorable prove in this regard is the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in the Washington District of the United States of America. â€Å"After the events of September 11 2001, a stunned US President George W. Bush declared that ‘night fell on a different world. There was indeed horror around much of the globe that a new and insidious precedent had been set for terror against states, making everyone vulnerable.† (Buckley and Fawn, pg. 1) This effected the reputation and name of the NATO. While within 24 hours of the attack the NATO declared and proved that it was a plan to destroy the image of the NATO and somewhere they have succeeded. But the real plan was to kill the soldiers of the NATO. However, gradually the planes and aircrafts turned towards the WTC and bumped into the world’s highest building. Till then the NATO has been trying to curb terrorism and is in fight of this fearful activity and its activists. However, nowadays, the NATO is working against terrorism in Afghanistan and is trying its level best to damage the hideouts of those jihad militants. The NATO fully recognized its duties after the September 11 2001 attacks, which proved to be harmful for the works of the NATO. After that they started an active participation in fight against terrorism and their first operation was chained outside Europe. The North Atlantic Council, which is the central body of the NATO, directs it from where to start and all the NATO officials have to present their work history or their efforts to this Head Quarter named the North Atlantic Council. The NATO militants are offered their services from here and one is punctual and strict to abide the rules and principles of the Head Quarter. Recently, the 2006 attacks in Turkey by terrorist groups were highly condemned by the NATO and at a conference held at the NAC0 the base commander declared his sympathy with the people of Turkey and strongly condemned the attitudes of the terrorist groups. The point is only that if these terrorist groups and their militants want us to move from their places then they should clearly come and fight with the NATO’s allied forces, while in this way they are not opening the ways of sympathy for them but are creating an emotional of hate in the hearts and minds of the people. This conflict and war of terror between NATO and the terrorists have made the lives of people miserable. They do not care about who is living or who dies. The conflicting situation is continoulsy-disturbing the lives of people and is forcing them to kill themselves because of fear and terror but who cares because nobody would leave this war. Everyone should standby his conditions and all is well that end is well. People would die and last of the entire world would be free of us. Terrorist attacks in Algeria are also increasing but all are helpless in front of the terrorist forces. According to a NATO press release, the Secretary General of the NATO strongly condemning the attacks said that on behalf of all the brave and courageous commandos of the NATO, I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks on Algeria and this is a promise that the NATO will always stand by the Algerians as our Mediterranean teams is also working. We hope for further development in decreasing the number of terrorists from the terrorist affected areas because our teams are working there to combat with the terrorists. However, after the September 11, 2001 attacks, the NATO has become more serious and effective in playing its complete role against terrorism. Now, the forces of the NATO are removing people who are living near the terrorist camps especially in Afghanistan. The forces of the NATO fear that these people might be victimized in their context so it would be better to remove and relocate them to a much safer place. The NATO has been much supported and encouraged by its partners in regard of the fight against terrorism. The member countries are always present to help the NATO manage voluntary camps and they also launch campaigns for the betterment of theses courageous soldiers. Nowadays the plan, which is residing among the partner countries, comprises of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and the NATO-Russia Council. These two comprise of the supporting countries that have been with the NATO since its formation and have supported this alliance against terrorism in every positive means. Apart from its member countries, the NATO is also sharing up its part with other international organizations and is taking and giving information to those organizations so that their law enforcement agencies could be proven helpful for the NATO in finding fearful and wanted people. In accordance with all of the above statements it has been proved that the NATO is trying its level best to curb the germ named terrorism but is continuously failing in it because the rising umber of crimes and criminals. However, a team like the NATO should be within every country so that it could have a worldwide terror-curbing network. â€Å"Israel and its overseas network in the US†¦. (threatens) not only the oppressed people of Palestine (and Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria and any other state Israel takes aim at) but the rights of people throughout the world.† He stresses we have mass public opinion on our side nearly everywhere outside the US, and it's gaining resonance here as well. It sees Israel and our actions in support of the Israeli state as the greatest of all threats to world peace and stability. Petras ends his book with one final impassioned call to arms: â€Å"Let's move ahead and de-colonize our country, our minds and politics as a first step in reconstituting a democratic republic, free of entangling colonial and neo-imperial alliances.† (Petras, 2006) It has been proved that what were the aims and objectives on which the NATO was created. However, it is reminded again that when the US and UK colonies and European nations faced severe attacks from the sides of the Soviet Unions and Soviet nations, then they decided to create an allied force named the NATO. The NATO is supposed to be helpful in curbing the roots of terrorism and it is doing it as its prime duty but the greatest terrorist shock that rocked the whole world as well as the NATO was the 9/11 attacks. â€Å"The September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States have made a smooth joint planning and coordination process even more urgent. While NATO invoked for the first time in its history its collective defense clause, it seems likely that the United States will coordinate its planned attacks on terrorist targets outside the European theater with individual allies rather than through the North Atlantic Council. As a result of the attacks, Washington will be reluctant to add more resources to Balkan peace management, at least in the short term†. (Cohen et al, pg. 74) After these severe attacks, the NATO became more terror and fear conscious and now it has started its operations in Afghanistan and the Ukraine Mediterranean area. However, besides all of this conflicts and situation, terrorism has always been a wall in the social and humanitarian services of the NATO. Wherever the NATO services try to spread peace and harmony, there is a bomb blast reported and same of every attack, the name and the blame comes directly on the allied force the NATO. The NATO has been contributing its services since 1955 and the countries, which are supporting it, should understand to announce an increase in the security of the soldiers. In that, if anybody is severely injured or dies during the military operations, the there should be special arrangements to remind those soldiers who contributed their part for the beloved country land. These soldiers should be regarded as a part of an active and alive society so that the forth-coming generation could remind the services of the beloved ones who sacrificed their lives for the love for their country. In that, it should be remembered and recognized that if these brave soldiers are neither paid tributes for their services or are never recognized for their never ending courage, we will lose these brave soldiers and then we should be ready to face another shock of a new Soviet or another union. Works Cited James Petras (Sep 26, 2006). The Power of Israel in the United States. Lenard J. Cohen, Alexander Moens, and Allen G. Sens. Praeger. NATO and European Security: Alliance Politics from the End of the Cold War to the Age of Terrorism. Westport, CT. Year: 2003. Page Number: 20 Mary Buckley and Rick Fawn. Global Responses to Terrorism: 9/11, Afghanistan and beyond. Routledge.   New York, Year: 2003. Page Number: 1      

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Risk management and Planning in Tesco plc Essay - 1

Risk management and Planning in Tesco plc - Essay Example TESCO is the third largest retailer in the world. Tesco was the first major retailer to introduce carbon labeling on products. Initially established as a grocery retailer in the UK, the company has expanded its business to various countries across the world and its operations include from clothing, electronics, furniture and petrol to books, banking, telecom and software. The phrase "The Tesco Way" coined by its CEO Terry Leahy seeks to hold out to the public the company’s philosophy and values. The company has been in the forefront in its risk management policies, technological innovations such as camera and self-service tills in the retail industry and CSR initiatives over the period of time. The business risk is different from the financial risk in relation to a company. While the financial risk is related to the capital structure and debt, the business risk is related to the economic conditions. The prevailing economic conditions in relation to an industry will affect the different companies differently, based on the relative exposure to the economy, which has been strategically structured by the companies concerned. However, failing to react in tune with the external environment is the greatest risk as it will affect the performance of the companies in the background of liberalization and globalization. Current Risk Management Process The company (2010) states â€Å"We recognise the value of the ABI [Association of British Insurers] Guidelines on Responsible Investment Disclosure and confirm that, as part of its regular risk assessment procedures, the Board takes account of the significance of SEE [Social, Ethical and Environmental] matters to the business of the Group... and incorporates SEE risks on the Key Risk Register.†